Arresting officer must have done a lousy search. 拘捕他的警官一定没好好搜身。
Obama's latest intervention came after he spoke by telephone to the arresting officer who he described as a good man. 奥巴马与实施逮捕的警察通话,称他是一个好人,随后对该事件进行了最新的干预。
He as much as told the arresting officer. 他把这件事也告诉了逮捕他的警官。
If the suspect really didn't do it, why didn't the suspect immediately say that to the arresting officer? 如果嫌疑犯真的没有做的话,他为什么不马上把这点告诉执行官员呢?
"Do not be too hasty, M. Morrel," replied Villefort. Arresting of the accused only needs the instruction of senior officer, instead of performing the law procedures. 对人犯的逮捕只需长官的指令,而不履行法律手续。